
minor mineral concession rules 2017

25/01/2021 — 0

Petroleum and Natural Gas Amendment Rules, 2003: 1-04-2003 : 5: Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Rules, 2015: 17-04-2015 : 6: Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015: 15-04-1952: 7: Minerals (Other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Minerals) Concession Rules, 2016: 08-12-2016 : 8: Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 2017: 2017 : 9 19. It was further directed that existing rules, namely, Bihar Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1972, would come into force for the time being. —(1) These Rules may be called the Kerala Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2015. Jharkhand Minor Mineral Concession (Amendment) Rules 2017. (2) They shall come into force at once. This is to certify that the Provisions Of Rule 19 (1) of Minor Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 2010 & as per Amendment Rules under Tamilnadu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1959, Rule 12 (2A), Rule 41 & 42 have been observed in the preparation Of Mining Plan for Savudu Quarry in Survey field No.384 (P), Over an extent of 2.42.50Ha in THE TAMIL NADU MINOR MINERAL CONCESSION RULES,1959. UK Mineral (Prevention of Illegal Mining,Transportation and Storage)(Amendment) Rules-2015 (1.9 MB) UK Minor Mineral policy (Concession) (Amendment) Rules 2015 ROYALTY Related. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:- (a) "Act" means the Mines and Minerals { Regulation and Development } (2) These rules shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. following rules for regulating the grant of quarry licence, mining lease and other mineral concessions in respect of minor minerals and for the purposes connected therewith, namely:-CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1. gravels G.O.Ms.No.100, Dated 31.10.2015 : IV (A) SM- 88/09 Notification of Odisha Minor Minerals Concession (Amendment) Rules, 2018. 2. Rajasthan Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2017 . Applicability.- These rules shall apply to all minerals, except – (i) petroleum and natural gas; (ii) coal, lignite and sand for stowing; and (iii) minor minerals: 2. Web copy of the order dated 27.11.2017 passed in CWJC No.15965 of 2017 and its analogous cases is annexed as Annexure- … The relevant activities are grant of mineral concession (i.e Quarry Lease and Quarry Parwana), approval of Mining Plans, Lease Inspection, Monitoring Mineral production, DMF collection, NMET collection and Mineral Revenue collection of 32 District offices of the state. Amendment to OMMC Rules Consequent upon the above order and subsequent guidelines issued by Ministry of Environment and Forest(MoEF) , Odisha Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2004 amended as OMMC(Amendment) Rules,2014, wef 16.9.2014. licence, mining lease and other mineral concession in respect of minor mineral and for the purpose connected therewith, namly:- CHAPTER – I Preliminary 1 Short title, extent and commencement:-(1) These rules may be called The Rajasthan Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2017. Mineral concessions are granted by the State Government under the provisions of Acts and Rules (i) Mines and Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957/ MMDR Amended Act 2015) (ii) Mineral Concession Rules 1960/MCR 2016 (iii) Mineral Conservation and Development Rules – 1988/ (MCDR–2017). 1398, dated the 11 November, 1960 - In exercise of the powers conferred by section 13 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957 (67 of 1957), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely :- … (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1994. (2) They shall come into force at once. Following the objection, a joint meeting of geology and mining and forest departments under the chairmanship of the then Chief Minister T R. Zeliang on October 28, 2017 authorized the geology and mining department to implement the Nagaland Minor Mineral Concession Rules 2004. It talks about an amendment to the Rajasthan Minor Mineral Concession Rules by the government in December 2017 to grant short-term permits in khatedari lands for excavation of sand only for government or government-supported works, and adds, “Almost all the khatedari lessees have misused the e-rawanaas (transit permits) for removal and transport of sand … Karnataka Minor Mineral Concession (Amendment) Rules 2016. SRO A-18/2017.-ln exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (1-A) of Section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (Central Act 67 of 1957), the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following amendments to the Tamil Nadu Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1959. Definitions. the Kerala Minor Mineral Concession (Amendment) Rules, 2017. Definitions.—(1) In these rules unless the context otherwise requires,— (i) “Act” means the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (Act 67 of 1957); Amendment of the Rilles.—ln the Kerala Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2015,— in rule 2, in sub-rule (i) after clause (ix), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:— "Minor Mineral" means building stones. Mining of minerals is governed by the Bihar Minor Mineral Concession Rules (BMMC Rules), 1972 and Mineral Concession Rules (MC Rules), 1960 framed by the State Government under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act (MMDR Act), 1957. The Kerala Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1967 CHAPTER 1 Page 8 1THE KERALA MINOR MINERAL CONCESSION RULES, 1967 In exercise of the powers conferred by subsection (i) of section 15 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957, Central (Act 67 of 1957) and all other powers enabling it in this (5) Wherepresence of any other minor mineral isestablished or discovered prior to the auction or subsequent to the auction, suchminor minerals shallbedealtseparately inaccordance withtheWestBengal Minor Minerals Concession Rules,2016. 4249/P/2015, dated 02.12.2016 & 22.03.2017 **** O R D E R: In the reference 7th read above, the Director of Mines and Geology, Hyderabad proposed certain amendments to the Telangana State Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1966 on the processing of prospecting license applications for (31) minerals notified mineral other than the minor minerals covered under rules 8-A and 8-C of these rules for a quantity not exceeding 2,000 cubic feet 2[ ]2 to any person who is an Indian National to extract and remove from any land other than the lands covered by the Tamil Nadu Forest Act, 1882 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1882) and where … MINERAL CONCESSION RULES, 1960 thG.S.R. The Kerala High Court said it would examine the reasonableness and constitutional validity of the amendment made in 2017 to the Kerala Minor Mineral Concession Rules… 16. Mineral Concessions . Exploration of Mineral & Groundwater resources; Administration of Mineral & Petroleum; Hydrogeological Investigation; Sandstone Deposit Investigation; Approved Mining Plans; List of Registered Qualified Person ( RQP) Assam Minor Mineral Concession Rules (AMMCR) 910.56 KB: Information & Services. Letter of Intent (LOI) for mining of minor mineral Sand/Morrum has been granted under U.P Minor Mineral Concession Rules 1963 by District Mining Officer, Kaushambi (U.P) vide Letter No. The collector has also cancelled seven lease concessions for lack of development (Express file photo) With the Gujarat Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2017 coming into force, paving the way for public auction, the Rajkot District Collector has declared 185 applications seeking lease concessions for mining sand, black trap and building limestone in the district ineligible. The state government had issued notification amending the Rajasthan Minor Minerals Concession Rules 2017 to this effect. (a) violation of any rules, other than the rules made under section 23C, within the mining lease area by a holder of a mining lease shall not include illegal mining; and (b) any area granted under a mineral concession shall be considered as an area held with lawful authority by the holder of such mineral concession, while Gujarat Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2010 - Commissioner of Geology and Mining power of Approve Mining Plan for except Ordinary sand,kankar,Gravel,Murrum and Ordinary Clay 2016 Amendment in part (B) of the 1st schedule to the MMDR Act, 1957 Notification dated 24th January, 2019 - Meghalaya Minor Minerals Concession (Third Amendment) Rules, 2018 (115 KB) 24th January, 2019: Notification dated 11th July 2017 - Meghalaya Minor Minerals Concession Rules, 2017 (32 KB) 11th July, 2017 The regulation and development of Again … Short title, extent and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called The Rajasthan Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2017. GOVERNMENT EFFORTS Auction in, 185 mining applications cancelled in Rajkot With the Gujarat Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2017 coming into force, paving the way for public auction, the Rajkot District Collector, in Feb. 2018 declared 185 applications seeking lease concessions for mining sand, black trap and building limestone in the district ineligible. Jharkhand Minor Mineral Concession (Amendment) Rules 2017. 256/M /E-TENDER/SAND/MORRUM /2017-18 Kaushambi dated 16.05.2017, for the period of 6 month to 2. 2. (2) They shall extend to the whole of the State of Rajasthan. Out Look India reported that in a major relief to mining leaseholders, the Rajasthan government has revised and simplified Rajasthan Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2017 (new rules… The Tribunal has opined that according to Orissa Minor Minerals Concession Rules, 2004 (in short "the Rules, 2004") which provides for granting quarry lease by the Government for extraction, collection or removal of minor minerals.The learned Assessing Officer in his order categorically has mentioned that appellant took quarry located Mines & Minerals – Amendment to the Rule 10 of the Andhra Pradesh Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1966 - Fixation of Seigniorage fee and Dead Rent for the 31 minor Minerals, which were recently declared by the Government of India as Minor Minerals – Orders – Issued. No. By virtue of such amendment, it has been provided that all quarry leases or licenses granted before the commencement of the Karnataka Minor Mineral Concession (Amendment) Rules, 2016, shall be deemed to have been granted for a period of 30 (thirty) years in respect of specified minor Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 2017: 8. (1) These rules may be called the Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 2017. 3738 application/pdf The Minerals (other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Minerals) Concession Rules, 2016 (Document Start Date : 12-01-2017 - Document End Date : 12-01-2024 ) (Size: 6.01MB ) (Uploaded on : 01-12-2017 ) 3737 application/pdf The Mineral (Auction) Amendment Rules, 2017 26.04.18: RDM-LRGEC-COMM-0001-2018-15090: Constitution of Committee to systematize the management of minor minerals of the State. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. Odisha Minor Mineral Concession Rules 2016 7 No. File No. shall be subject to the provisions of the Act and rules made thereunder. 1589_Soapstone Khanij Policy Amendment 2015 (1.9 MB) 1590_Avadh Parivahan Bhandaran Rule 13 Amendment 2015(1008.9 KB) 1591_royalty Amendment 7Oct 2015(489.3 KB)

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