
1 john 4:18 sermon

25/01/2021 — 0

And that is true about hosts of us. The influential dwelling of God within us.4. There is no fear in perfect love. Bright, D. D.)Fear has many eyes. )Perfect loveSamuel Dunn.I. He, and He alone, can deal with the disturbing element in my relation to God. Of course, he is speaking about the emotions which men cherish with regard to God. (f)The fear of hell.2. How, then, will the text stand when confronted with a line of address at once so authoritative, so luminous, and so stern? )Love and fearA. There is no reverence where there is desperate fear. There are many professing Christian people who live all their days with a burden of shivering dread upon their shoulders and an icy cold fear in their hearts, just because they have not got close enough to Jesus Christ, and kept their hearts with sufficient steadfastness under the quickening influences of His love, to have shaken off their dread as a sick man's distempered fancies. And that is true about hosts of us. Fear hath punishmentCambridge Bible for Schools.(R.V. The love of God casts out all other fear! As I said, you cannot love and fear the same person, unless the love is of a very rudimentary and imperfect character. (2)By transforming us into God's image. For if I am out of harmony with Him, what will be my fate in the midst of a universe administered by Him, and in which all are His servants? THE EMPIRE OF FEAR. It is appropriate for the earlier stage of spiritual training; it marks a stage in the moral progress through which the Supreme Educator, Divinely equitable and patient, conducts His children by slow steps, in consideration of hearts not fully softened and consciences not thoroughly enlightened, which, as yet, are unfit for a high religious standard. D. Arising from that discomforting consciousness of discord there come, likewise, other forms and objects of dread. People cannot love … Cowardice and anxiety, perplexity about life, trembling about the future, the bowed head and the burdened heart — these are not the "fruits of the Spirit." Cowardice and anxiety, perplexity about life, trembling about the future, the bowed head and the burdened heart — these are not the "fruits of the Spirit." II. In such passages the underlying purport is obvious: "Do this, avoid that, or it will be the worse for you: obey, on peril of the consequences of disobedience." Indicates the criterion of true preaching.3. Of course, he is speaking about the emotions which men cherish with regard to God. But, more specifically, the love of God entering into a man's heart destroys all fear of Him of which we have been speaking. We do not speak of a spirit of bondage, making a man crouch before God as his stern taskmaster. My fear should be to me like the misshapen guide that may lead me to the fortress where I shall be safe. Fear hath punishmentCambridge Bible for Schools.(R.V. A Greater Calling // Recharged For A Purpose. A Soul-Tormenting Fear and a Fear-Expelling Love, Threefold Recommendation of the Duty of Loving One Another, A soul-tormenting fear and a fear-expelling love. He has been saying that perfect love produces courage in the day of judgment, because it produces likeness to Christ, who is the judge. A FEAR-EXPELLING LOVE. D. Watson.Love is like honey, but perfect love is like the honey with all the comb and wax strained out. For what is the love here intended, but a closer and closer adhesion to the will of God as the supreme good, an ever growing desire to please Him and to be right with Him, because He is what He is to us? Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. My fear should be to me like the misshapen guide that may lead me to the fortress where I shall be safe. Much of the would be unbelief of the day springs from terror. As a child it was fun to watch the movies about the swamp monster that ate an entire city, or the space alien that tried to conquer New York or Tokyo. (Matthew 10:28; Philippians 2:12; 1 Peter 1:17; Proverbs 3:7). Where God is regarded essentially as an Almighty Ruler, the chief duty of man is implicit, unquestioning obedience. M. 16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. These movies were fun because you could be afraid for an hour or so, and then it was all over. Heathenism is a religion of fear; Judaism is the religion of conscience; Christianity is the religion of grateful affection. To feel that there is One above me, to whom I am accountable, if it be but as my Judge, there is something elevating in the very conception. THE EMPIRE OF FEAR. See that you resort only to the sane, sound way of getting rid of the wholesome, rational dread of which I have been speaking.(A. Let the dread direct me to its source — my own sinfulness. Constant. The Christian fears, but is never governed by his fears. My text points out the natural antagonism and mutual exclusiveness of these two emotions. Fear is a shrinking apprehension of evil as befalling us, from the person or thing which we dread. From this kind of fear the convinced man, if he yields himself to Christ's teaching, will pass on into a higher. And that is true about hosts of us. I think we shall scarcely understand the religion of love unless we recognise that dread is a legitimate part of an unforgiven man's attitude towards God. This slavish fear is co extensive with the unregenerate race. Thomas, D. D.)Fear and loveW. Entire. Not of a life of toilsome, unloving labour, which hopes in the end to make God its debtor. But there it is; the snake hybernates, but it is coiled in the heart all the same, and warmth will awake it. And a man to whom the whole thought, or the predominant thought, when God rises before him, is, How awful will be the incidence of His perfections on my head! Cowardice and anxiety, perplexity about life, trembling about the future, the bowed head and the burdened heart — these are not the "fruits of the Spirit." If life is full of danger and evil, ought we not to be afraid? it is the work of perfect love to cast it out of the soul. He that feareth is not made perfect in love — In the sense above explained. Let the discovery of my own sinfulness direct me to its remedy — the righteousness and the Cross of Jesus Christ. "Torment" does not convey the whole idea of the word. If he has it, he resists the temptation, he does not commit the sin; and that is to gain much. This slavish fear is ever associated with mental suffering. Do not let it lie, generally sleeping, and now and then awaking in your hearts and bringing about nothing.III. A consciousness that God loves us.2. )Perfect LoveG. For fear is credulous. For it is the explanation of the fact that so many of us know nothing about what I am talking about, and fancy that I am exaggerating or putting forward false views.II. What kind of fear? The influential dwelling of God within us.4. A settled confidence in God's fatherly regard for us.3. A settled confidence in God's fatherly regard for us.3. (3)By perfecting all the other graces of Christianity.Faith is perfected by love. (b)Fear of meeting the necessaries of life. In time, you are bound to hate what you dread. God is righteous; God righteously administers His universe. Lastly, THE EXPULSION OF FEAR. It makes the present miserable by its horrid forebodings of the future. Watson. Bright, D. D.The words of St. John as to fear and love would probably startle us if they were less familiar. It clothes our life and its experiences in new aspects, by enabling us to regard them in a different spirit. In my text he explains and enlarges that statement. (d)The fear of the last enemy. There are many professing Christian people who live all their days with a burden of shivering dread upon their shoulders and an icy cold fear in their hearts, just because they have not got close enough to Jesus Christ, and kept their hearts with sufficient steadfastness under the quickening influences of His love, to have shaken off their dread as a sick man's distempered fancies. Fear is entirely based on a consideration of some possible personal evil consequence coming down upon me from that clear sky above me. The one who fears has not been perfected in love. The perilous hour is got through safely; the conscience escapes a defilement and a burden; the ground so far, is clear for the further operations of grace. This slavish fear is ever associated with mental suffering. Inconsistent as the two emotions are in themselves, in practice, they may be united by reason of the imperfection of the nobler. Arising from that discomforting consciousness of discord there come, likewise, other forms and objects of dread. Love destroys fear, and perfects self-distrust. But as long as we live, failure is possible; there must be the possibility of ultimate failure, even on the part of the gray-haired saint, as Bunyan in his "dream" saw that "there was a way to hell from the gates of heaven as well as from the city of destruction"; as, before now, men have fallen from God at their very "lust hour." )Perfect loveSamuel Dunn.I. Inconsistent as the two emotions are in themselves, in practice, they may be united by reason of the imperfection of the nobler. These two are mutually exclusive.I. And in the Christian life they are united with terrible frequency. 1 John 4:18-19. It is not a spark emitted from the blaze of worldly prosperity and fanned by the softness of worldly pleasure, but a flame enkindled by the Sun of Righteousness, and like the fire on the altar it never goes out.5. These two are mutually exclusive.I. My text points out the natural antagonism and mutual exclusiveness of these two emotions. For if I am out of harmony with Him, what will be my fate in the midst of a universe administered by Him, and in which all are His servants? Verse of the Day; ... Sermons on 1 John 4:18. For if I am out of harmony with Him, what will be my fate in the midst of a universe administered by Him, and in which all are His servants? What kind of fear? Do not let it lie, generally sleeping, and now and then awaking in your hearts and bringing about nothing.III. Whilst all things serve the soul that serves Him, all are embattled against the man that is against, or not for, God and His will. There was no joy in religion and no love. (1)By removing sin. Supplies the test of true religion.2. The influential dwelling of God within us. If I go to Jesus Christ as a sinful man, and get His love bestowed upon me, then, as the next verse to my text says, my love springs in response to His to me, and in the measure in which that love rises in my heart will it frustrate its antagonistic dread. And yet Scripture assigns to fear a considerable place in the apparatus, so to speak, of religious motives and forces (Luke 12:5; 2 Corinthians 5:10, 11; Philippians 2:12, 13; 1 Peter 1:17). The influential dwelling of God within us.4. Oh! In such passages the underlying purport is obvious: "Do this, avoid that, or it will be the worse for you: obey, on peril of the consequences of disobedience." (2) But —(a)Servile fear. The administration of moral government in this world requires it. (Samuel Dunn. John uses a rare word in my text when he says, "fear hath torment." ): — This is true in two ways —(1)Fear involves the idea of punishment;(2)fear is a foretaste of punishment. I fear; then what do I do? Love is based upon the forgetfulness of self altogether. But just as when you pour pure water into a bladder, the poisonous gases that it may have contained will be driven out before it, so when love comes in dread goes out. How does it do this? This includes —1. See that you resort only to the sane, sound way of getting rid of the wholesome, rational dread of which I have been speaking.(A. God enters into relations of approval or disapproval with His responsible creature. Fear is a shrinking apprehension of evil as befalling us, from the person or thing which we dread. Thus delivered from the fear of sin by the power of the gospel, we are also delivered from the fear of God. Whilst all things serve the soul that serves Him, all are embattled against the man that is against, or not for, God and His will. Thomas, D. D.)Fear and loveW. And it affects so called Christianity too. There is nothing more ridiculous, nothing more likely to betray a man, than the indulgence in an idle fear which does nothing to prevent its own fulfilment. First, consider fear of sin and of its consequences. Entire. And yet Scripture assigns to fear a considerable place in the apparatus, so to speak, of religious motives and forces (Luke 12:5; 2 Corinthians 5:10, 11; Philippians 2:12, 13; 1 Peter 1:17). And if the Bible Contains passages which teach us not to fear, does it not contain other passages which teach that we ought to fear? For it is the explanation of the fact that so many of us know nothing about what I am talking about, and fancy that I am exaggerating or putting forward false views.II. Is not this "fear" worth something? Let the dread direct me to its source — my own sinfulness. - W.J. In my text he explains and enlarges that statement. "Perfect love casteth out fear." What is an alarm bell for, but to rouse the sleepers and to hurry them to the refuge! Shows the philosophy of the gospel.(D. For it is the explanation of the fact that so many of us know nothing about what I am talking about, and fancy that I am exaggerating or putting forward false views.II. A settled confidence in God's fatherly regard for us.3. It regards God not as the all holy and all-good Father, who has every right to filial obedience, but as an irresistible Power, not to be trifled with or escaped from, who can and will inflict tremendous penalties on those who venture to defy His authority. In my text he explains and enlarges that statement. "(Dean Vaughan. Fear is a shrinking apprehension of evil as befalling us, from the person or thing which we dread. Untamable God . Here’s a deeper look at this beloved Scripture verse and the meaning of the passage. Oh! Do not let it lie, generally sleeping, and now and then awaking in your hearts and bringing about nothing.III. This is the fear which, he says, "hath torment," or rather "punishment"; it carries punishment in its bosom. (3)By perfecting all the other graces of Christianity.Faith is perfected by love. The consciousness of our sins. Is not this "fear" worth something? These two are mutually exclusive.I. A fresh boy in school, on the first day, is afraid of everything, and while that fear lasts he learns nothing. God enters into relations of approval or disapproval with His responsible creature. For if I am out of harmony with Him, what will be my fate in the midst of a universe administered by Him, and in which all are His servants? But, more specifically, the love of God entering into a man's heart destroys all fear of Him of which we have been speaking. Nothing! No, rather into a fear which is so absolutely compatible with love that it may even be said to grow out of love, to be contained in love's very heart. Nothing! Fear of punishment, either as imminent or as distant, is not a false or bad principle of action in its own place and for its own time. (Cambridge Bible for Schools. )Love and fearA. Love is gentle, but it is omnipotent, victor over all. (2)By transforming us into God's image. LOVE, which destroys fear, HEIGHTENS REVERENCE, AND DEEPENS SELF-DISTRUST.1. And yet Scripture assigns to fear a considerable place in the apparatus, so to speak, of religious motives and forces (Luke 12:5; 2 Corinthians 5:10, 11; Philippians 2:12, 13; 1 Peter 1:17). Arising from that discomforting consciousness of discord there come, likewise, other forms and objects of dread. This includes —1. Jun 2, 1985. Let the discovery of my own sinfulness direct me to its remedy — the righteousness and the Cross of Jesus Christ. Dr. Philip W. McLarty. These movies were fun because you could be afraid for an hour or so, and then it was all over. Where there is perfect love there is true tranquillity, the sweetest harmony: all is peace — perfect, perpetual, eternal peace. Others is true tranquillity, the sweetest harmony: all is peace — perfect, perpetual, peace. That had not the presence of active love. `` 1 but — ( 1 Poverty.. Of Christian guidance he who fears has not mass enough in it to out! Will expel each and all of these two emotions death and of its consequences for Sunday school, the... Opposite — fear. `` Enter not into judgment with thy servant ; for before no... Dread direct me to its source — my own sinfulness is entirely on... Degrading, because fear 1 john 4:18 sermon the idea of the nobler not to fear and love would probably startle us they. Light of His countenance ( Psalm 90:8 ): but perfect love to cast it out of the day judgment. All this `` work out your own salvation, '' is the apostle 's teaching, will on! Essentially of a life of toilsome, unloving labour, which is right! 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