A lot of other users have already suggested this, but that's just how important that is. I done this about ten times and once I got a different message from the other one. How To Cure Depression In Virtual Families 2 ⭐ is the topic of discussion at this time. You have purchased 10 kitchen career room upgrades. A: No those are just rumors made up by some people so don't believe it, all they do is clean up the house and the yard Q: Can I trap my maid in a room? to close it. Choose any parents(note... Only do it on one parent. So try this trick. It says definitely or would be nice you're going to get all 6 of your kids easily. I hope I helped! As the game works in real time, your characters normally sleep during the night and not earn very much money during it. More Coins Ok, I know that pretty much everyone wants to get free money on virtual families 2. - treadmill - career boosters - food - handsanitizers - beds - toys - grills - pool No! Maybe is ok. I used to think that the only way to make people hyper was the energy drinks. Buy them a toy and constantly praise them for doing good things. Encourage those likes. Virtual families 2 is a very simple game if you just follow a few rules, and know a few tips and tricks! Do not waste time while praising them. Your little people's kids (or if you have none, your little person) have to spend lots of time outside. By the way, if the father is getting 'a bit blue' it's probably because of the amount of time he spends working so maybe for a day (in our time) get him to pet the pets and read stories to the kids, things that make him happy! I have around 19720 coins and have 4 rooms renovated. Here are some things that may help. Go into the family tree(on vf1 it's at the bottom of the screen, on vf2 it's in the menu). Ask a question below and let other gamers answer your question or view answers to previously asked questions. If it says no way then it will be extremely difficult. Put a couch in the doorway of either the office or workroom (it doesn't work for kitchen) and ta-da! Section 1: Problem Children Lots of people have delt with problem children and we all have seen the questions. If your people eat the food they will get sick all the time and it will use thousands of dollars to get them better. Good luck! Hey, and if you might want to know what some status effects mean, then read this! Pets are good to have since they boost up happiness, same with the magic fish. Like get to llv 3 so i can fish the lagoon. Hope I helped!! It’s quite understandable why you’d want to, the game is a lot of fun, but you run out of money quick. They come quite randomly so watch out! Virtual Families 2 for iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac & PC! A: You go to the store and look in the special upgrades, you will see a picture of a gardener/maid, tap it. But you can always change careers, if you wish. put them on the job, give them the green glove twice and wait till their done half way (it may not seem it but its quicker) then remove them from the job. I found that some of the tasks can be shortened. Adopt a person who has a starting salary of 15. A bit sick - Try to look for their sickness, if you are still not sure, look in other tricks. Then do that same exact thing 10 times. I hope this is useful to you in any way, shape and form!! Take the man to wherever they work in the house. Then leave the game, go into settings and change the time to 3-4 hours ahead. Whether it's your first time playing or you've been playing for a few generations or even for a while, you may be unsure how to take care of the new baby right. As an example I will use Bit, my male nine year old. Every couple of hours, check up on your family. Adopt 6 children 3. It also helps if you give them perfumes before you drag them on top of each other. It is a good cheat if all your kids are in collage and you want to move onto the next generation. I spent money on a few plants but after that I went cheap and bought two large quality beige couches. - Make them work, then praise them until they say "Stop nagging!" Then drop the woman on top of the man and praise each once for twins else twice for triplets. Now you need to wait until you get a marriage proposal. FOR ALL OF THESE YOU NEED TO HAVE THE DATE SET TO THE CORRECT TIME AT THE START. So get a doctors consultation before they DIE! You are going to need money in Virtual Families, have a look at out our Money Cheat to find out how you can get it for free. If it doesn't say "putting out () fire" try again.5) they will put out the fire!Leaks/clogged stuff-1) put them by the leak and wait for 15 seconds while their action is "the () sink is leaking! You are probabl thinking why would i have any wisdom. You are free to use our generator as long as it is still working. I've done this before and my whole house is rebuilt, I didn't buy any rooms! Even if you are away, they will most likely work on career. Even if they are old, buy it anyway because it can spread. They will grow up to e builders/carpenters and you can get rooms renovated for free. - This is not really a glitch but I've noticed when I place some items in a room (especially big items like a couch or bed), they will appear to be overlapping into another room. Go back on the game. Otherwise the message won't sink in. Being extremely weak can kill your little people, so here's how to turn it into just weak. When ever you put the two adults together and they start arguing or shaking their heads use the red glove twice on each person and try again. So praise sparingly, then you can focus on the kids :). DO NOT buy the big aquarium, buy the bowl since they do the same thing anyway. Enjoy! Then you are automatically put in a differnt house that is fully furnished and all the rooms are made. Example: child is a bit weak, father is extremely weak, you have one multivitamin pack. I'm on my 12th generation, have all my rooms renovated, and own everything you can buy! See y'all later!! A:Not at all. You only have to use the time/money glitch. Just follow this tip and you have one less thing to worry about. I'll also answer a couple of questions that people may have about the maid. Drag your kid next to the meat and keep dragging it until it's says "molding" (note that this is rare) then wait a real date, don't skip, and you should get an email with a tiny person AKA a kid and click marry or reject. He would read her stories, call her to brush her teeth and play drediel with her. The best starting salaries would be 15,105,and 36 in that order. 3) Change the date ONE DAY FORWARD! Don't make your little people work too much over night or they become really weak. Listen to them and make them happy. I might have missed out on some statuses but I got all of the main and important ones! 2). So If You're A VF2 Fanatic Like Me Then You Probably Read Tips Daily, But Reading Every Tip Is Time Consuming, So I Gathered All My Favorite, And Probably Most Efcient Tips, And Roled Them All In One! Adding on to #2, if you disturb them by picking them up, they will still get money! Also, this is a well known trick but people on their first generation may not know, when the mother is holding the baby, to find out if it's a boy or girl, their name, what they look like, and their likes and dislikes, you can always go onto menu then choose family and it will show you your family tree, with the baby on it. 5. Enjoy the cheat! It's a game, and mistakes happen in life and in gaming. If you want to take it to the next level change there clothes whenever they get sick and get the sanitizer whenever you can! And three times on the dad. The most I've gotten is four. Well, my friend taught me this cheat. Get Started With Virtual Families 3 Basic Walkthrough (1) You will start by creating a character of your choice and move into the house. When they run away, drag them back. Both of the parents are 49 and already have 2 girls, one who's in college and the other who's 17. Buy fruits and candy from the flea market and give it to your person 6. 2. Carousel: I know you can't go around on it but I think the kids status bars might say playing. Baby-Making - Make sure your adults are happy, healthy, and have a bed. It is even better if your spouse and your person have the same job because you achieve a goal. Well there's another way neve let your child eat any food or sleep or even play! Okay I've done this about 4 times on my children before and it works! Now your home is out of control! Obviously this room can't be remodeled so that left me with a blue color scheme. You'll start to miss your child. Kids can also jump on the trampoline. Let them play in the workshop they could become an architect. Your family had a baby! If you want them to appear again, click on the food bowls. Here's some actions to watch out for: *Can be disruptiveSome people consider snacking and playing in the dirt misbehavior's, but I personally don't.There are many ways to deal with misbehavior. Buy the 20 coin grain bag and live life to the fullest.3. Hi guys! 1.This one won't make the people age and will make you roughly 100000 coins depending on you people's salaries. - Double click the home button and swipe away Virtual Families. Then praise him/her twice and give him/her a treat from the flea market (banana, orange, mint etc.) 3) this is a tip for when the baby is older. Don't use the time cheat to make the twins/triplets grow up because it can lead to gliches. 1. onto the trash can normally, but as soon as you see your little person holding the bag pick him/her up and the bag should disappear. 3. Give your little friends plenty of things to do! Same as above. It eventually goes away (the bags of groceries on the counter) hope I helped! How to Get a Lot of Money in "Virtual Families" Fast | eHow. Hey peeps! (Husband works better because if the mom has kids she won't work) then drag them to their work place, and praise them 3 times. If you open the package, it's almost always a painting, which you can keep. If you don't want the free pets take them anyway. In this I noted the exact furniture items in which I included in my home. As your child grows up always have he/she in the workshop, let them play in the workshop a lot. When it is time for a new generation, I click new generations and see what options I have. But please be warned! But they can use the shower and sink. Hi everyone, just something you should know. Then pull them away.Also, (this isn't really faster trick, but it gets you money so ya) take 2+ people and put them on something outside near a collectables. As soon as they pick it up, you can pull them away and your trash bin will be empty. You married someone with the same career. I bought bubble machines, balloons, a dreidel, stuffed animals, a toy ship, a giant teddy bear, a mini pool, and much more! Praise them 3 times they will say stop nagging and run away, drag them back to their workplace and repeat a bunch of times. Don't buy any weather in a bottle. To sell them first click the decorate button, next place them in one of open slots, then drag them straight to the curb! Make sure your family has plenty of family time. Enjoy! Then praise 3 times and they should say stop nagging and they will run away. Section 1: How to Get: Well, there are lots of opinions on how to get twins/triplets. When your people get tired have the comfiest bed you can afford available so your people will not get tired again quickly. Hope you all enjoy this little tip! When they won't conceive past 50, you won't naturally conceive unless there's a miracle (this doesn't ever happen like literally) 3. Just double praise, give treat, double praise again while doing any action and your person would do this for most of his/her life. All I did was drag the father away when they were about to have a baby, praised the woman lots of times until she had finished and voila. It was back. Thanks for reading and happy new year!! WOW! If you chose someone who made 15$ then if you train them up to master, they make 690 dollars every day! Then watch the female character as she jumps and sprinkles flowers, etc. If you have more than 1 adult with a career, do this with both. If a thing comes up that says stop nagging, don't praise but still drag them to the toy room. Another way is for one partner to have a like and the other a dislike. Hey people! scold them and let them run away. All u have to do is turn up the volume so u can hear it (headphones are ideal), move your little friend and they will make the sound that goes with the disease. Sometimes it may be very annoying to have the kids all over the place, where you can't even find them! Then change the date to 2 years ago. Children will be children. 8. Ignore them. If you chose someone who made 90 dollars per day, they would end up getting around 190-400 dollars per day or more. You praised someone who was stomping ants. When you exit out of the box (and sometimes the next event popup) the game crashes. Bye. Do you want to get unlimited Money? Hey presto! If you need some more money then you can apply these tricks. I know, I'm picky with proposals too but you're just gonna have to deal with it. First, drag female on the male, or vise versa. Praise your family every chance you get. Go to the store and click food and medicine then scroll down until you see the baby boost(It will be the second last one above doctor consultation, and will look like a pink needle) then you need to buy three of them. If her portrait doesn't have a baby that means that it won't work and you might as well try again instead of waiting. You carefully drag it from your inventory and place it in your living room. If it says they're arguing then keep trying. Ok. The plants are on the left side of the house. Now, even when you're not on, they will be almost always working. Thx For Reading my trick. Ok, I just found this crazily easy trick to get family members who died of old age back to life! These are the glitches I've encountered so far. You must do this TEN TIMES and when you check on it the next day the people/ person will be a level 4 or a level 6. Cloths/ looks: easily changeable and not a super important characteristic. Place your person in front of that an it will put out the fire. Posted on October 8, 2014 by cratperlibisursimpmoha. 3. One of the most helpful tricks is the Workaholic cheat. Think again! I'm full of snark today. You cured a symptom of someone who got sick. When children go off to college you have to take care of the parents until the die :( But don't worry! Children grow up to 14 years old, then they will have access to all options that are available to adults, and at 19 they go to college. good luck! Reenter the game and if the cheat worked you will have lots of cash. I might know why and what you can do about it. Happy workaholics! So I have six kids I have Cooper and Michael they are twins and they are in college then I have Sapphire she is 18 I have Lily and she's 16 then there is Ava she is 14 and I also have star she's 12. Good luck with that. Hope you like my little tip. Give them the sleeping pills straight after they take the illness and let them sleep until their energy bars are up. You have purchased 10 office career room upgrades. E.G Your child (lets say Sally) is digging a hole to China. This means if something breaks out and they are all ill, you can save a ton! And to check if this glitch really works, touch your trash can. Here's why. * Mom holds the baby till it is 2 yrs old a couple of hours of play. You should save sometime or get more money if you do this. So I kept praising them and praising them, went off, two hours later one of my little people had gone from level one to level five and was now making over $200 as appears to $75 an hour. anyways, you take your little person to the office, kitchen or workroom, depending on where they work. I recomend about a minute straight of doing so. Well, go to the menu, tap on the pause button, then move our furniture so they won't keep bothering you. Never a dull Moment- 50 emails/house events. At first, the house is in bad condition and it’s up to you to make the improvements. So here's some easy tips so you can speed things up a bit.Garbage- When you put a peep on the can, wait till the bag is visible. This is the last but it is a hard one the job that is the best is the chewing gun designer. Once you adopt the person who makes $15 make them work on their career and praise them mpre than 10 times even when they eun away make them start over again and praise them. You cleaned 100 dirt smudges off the floor. To have a baby on Virtual Families, put the male or female on top of the other, and they will do the rest of the work. You will hear praising noise (rainbow over head) and she will have a baby in her arms within the next ten seconds. Next, tap purchase and you will see a maid/gardener by your door Q: Can my maid/gardener fall in love or own the house? Return to the game and you will find that it stops for a few seconds, but when it restarts the mother will have no baby in her arms and the child will be running around. Tickling, story time and family picnics all result in happiness going up. Always open the box unless it specifically says that the box is white. I had six kids, the eldest was eight days older than the youngest. Likes and dislikes: as long as they do not connect to your person's likes and dislikes, they don't matter. It is all a matter of chance. Relevance. Okay, this is the way to get a really good collection. Their action should now be "running away". To hack Unlock Everything in Virtual Families 2 use this Cheat - "Ols-4b502afbcf" If you don't know how to enter Cheat Codes in Virtual Families 2, you will read about it below. Make sure that your people are actually working on their career, and not heating up food or watching TV. Sometimes when you have a new baby your child gets jealous it's just natural. Make sure that your people are well fed and well energised. Sometimes I get past 20000! Then put one person on it and whilst they are picking it up put the other person on it and they will both carry it. Many of the cheats for getting multiple babies do not work. It worked for me! My topic this month is young kids. I bought two treadmills, a yoga mat and ball, a trampoline and an MP3 stereo thing. Encourage them to work in their chosen career to earn money for necessities and luxuries. It is simply your virtual families two computer. West room: Family room: Couches, coffee table, hearth/ TV room: TV, Couches, coffee table/ girls' or boys' bedroom: beds, toys, dressers, couch, 1st bedroom: Girls' room: same as above/ Boys' room: same as above/ Children's room: same as above, Rear deck: Plants (not many things u can do with it), West Auxiliary: Laundry room: washer, dryer, sewing kit, ironing board/ Toy room: Toys, Large Central Room: TV room/ Family room (same as above)/ Entertainment room: games, entertainment stuff, piano, 2nd Bedroom: Master bedroom: double bed, dressers, mirror/ girls' or boys' room, Small Central Room: Entertainment room (same as above), Family room/ TV room, Large Central Room: Entertainment Room + Family Room/ Just Family room/ movie room. 1. Please note that this doesn't work all the time! And lastly, don't get a bad job like a ketchup bottler! The entire time they are trying to make a baby, praise both of them over and over again. I always try to save money and not spend unless necessary. As soon as you see them place the food down on the kitchen table and you see the food on the table, you can move them away to do a new task. It works every time!!!! Any other action will disappear a micro second after it disappears. Although when I try that same technique today, I only have one child. You will sell it for some money and it will say You sold some furniture HIH! :]. Then after when you stop playing for some hours come back and they will have higher levels of work experience and more money in the bank ! When you click 'continue' the game should freeze for some time. For Virtual Families 2: Our Dream House on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How do you use the maid service once you pay for it? Be kind and don't scold too much. Now, because of that, your people won't make that much money per day because they only work during the day. But they are very, very, very rare and hard to find! In this life simulation game, help them choose a husband or wife and start their virtual family! Just watch them carefully- every so often they will say something like Upset Tummy, meaning you can go to store and buy the meds. as many as you want. When they are back to normal, have them switch off with other family members to keep them awake.Method No.21. You will then know what to do. Make one of the parents hyper by making them relax in the hammock repeatedly 3. it is same as the toilet and shower clogged.How to remove the ants? but don't worry if you cannot afford the food; they won't die just yet but get food ASAP. Here are tips and other helpful things. After that immediately make the man take a shower and don't look into the room stay in the workshop and you have your triplets or twins. Once your couple is married make sure they're healthy, fed, and happy. I cured his sicknesses and I fed him fruits and candy still depressed. You tap on them, and it says they're 14 years old. Help your character find a spouse then guide them through generations of house-building, decision-making, and, for the most part, just living. Hope it works for you all! When you place your adoptee on the trash bin, they pick up the trash almost immediately. I tried this with 31 and 32 year old couple, but they had one child. House events appear as soon as you log on. I wanted the best beds and also the nicest looking ones so I picked the blue double bed and the blue single bed. And they only work when you make him go to their work area. This tip is extremely useful and also works to instantly get new iteams on sale. I used this trick and it worked so well! If they have a previous child, drag him or her into the yard and keep the screen on them. Then I saw his wife, Brennese die. well drag your character to the cinamon ingredient. Please do not use the money time glitch. I asked a few people why with all the candy, groceries and toys I could find why wouldn't he be happy? You can even have a pet for your family, and raise it with your children. Hey guys, it's corgi luver! If all else fails, send the kids to boarding school and (gulp) kill the parents. When it came time to have a new generation, I sele... Every time I try to drag a character to use the 2nd bathroom's toilet, it doesn't work. Love corgis! There will be several times when you receive a package addressed to your neighbor. How To Cure Depression In Virtual Families 2 ⭐ is the topic of discussion at this time. It'll be done. Like it if you want more! Keep the food above 1500! If they argue, just keep putting them on each other until the action is: Trying to make baby. MONEY Okay, this is easy. Your person cannot get out! SkyBarber01 - 1 year ago. This room unlike the other one was kind of colorless so I added in as much pink as humanly possible. Well, there are two glitches that I know of that you can use, The money-time glitch or the praising glitch. People have complained that their family have gotten depressed, sick, and actually died. No problem! One of your little friends achieved the age of 50. Praise them 3 times. When people say drag either a man to a woman or a woman to a man it's not true. Ok so I guess I'm going to go into part three soon so stay tuned. There is also a glitch in the system and if you use these cheats to much occasionally you may find that every time a notification comes up your game shuts down. When changing generations make sure you start with a character who wants children. :D. If you've got a maid, don't bother picking up the wrappers unless your SURE she won't show up. In order to be succesful at Virtual Families 2 you need money, family, toys, food. Virtual Villagers 4: The Tree of Life. My favorite part of this room is the antique oriental rug, partly because I spent 14,500 dollars to have it. You're happy when your virtual family is happy, right? Then, put your annoying person in that gap! Try and have at least one toy per kid and a designated area for toys only. Hope this works! This trick earned me a lot of money, and I do it pretty often. A:Tap or click on her, then her profile button thing(where you read her name) and it should pop up 'would you like to fire the maid?' It is a very long process to nurse a weak (or extremely weak or a bit weak, it's just easier to say weak) person back to health. The furniture looks better and you can actually USE it. How do I stop my family from being exhausted even after they have slept for two days? Note 3: If you want to use this method with a child who was born via this method, you only need to praise the couple once. You filled the kitchen with 1000 units of food. This trick worked for my game and my friends as well so I hope it works for yours too. You can actually buy whatever toy you want I'm just saying the hippo toy is the cheapest one. Hack! If the baby is still in her arm you need to repeat the cheat. One of your little friends achieved the age of 45. Whoops. Plus would you rather waste your time by making your family clean up the mess? u just gotta be quick! Showering, tacking out the trash etc.) well go to the workshop and drag your character on the fire estinguisher well it is same as the dryer.How to fix the leaky sink? Job: this is a big one. You praised all of the above 9 behaviors. Don't buy these from the store, wait for them to go on sale. So I've decided that I'd try to help. Praise someone for stomping on ants (there is a goal for that) 2. Flea market items are meant to refresh every few hours. 1. Hi everyone! Good luck! So, you're visiting your family, and you notice one of the kids is much taller than last time you saw them. Make your peeps work, sell collectables. Earning some money top of a person are earn through your regular is Online Jobs is like inside the cake. Virtual Families 2 Our Dream House Cheats Unlimited Money Free (No Jailbreak) Visit us and download hacker at: tinyurl.com Game Info: Virtual Families 2 begins, as many families do, with a single person and a place to live. I hope you can understand the contents and can be useful for you. Rubbish! More guides coming soon from Haybales! Sadly, that's not always the case. This decreases your chances of getting a child. Every time that you have an isola rain bottle in the flea market, buy it. If not (bet u can guess by now) redownload the app.Maid/Gardener Not coming back-You hired maid/ gardener but they don't come back. They go on to make 690 per day when they reach the 8th level of their profession. Adopt a little person from the thousands living inside your mobile device! Doing is my first generation I had two sets of twins I don't know if it's random or if scolding and then praising them had something to do with The first generation having two sets of twins or if it was random. :] ALSO - make sure to always keep the frige stocked every time you exit the game! Here You Go: If you want to get a lot of cash, pause the game and over night you won't get anything but stock up the fridge and over night you will get $20,000. kristi and mom watched tv. Hope that make them more well behaved, because it worked with my kids! You should have a lot more coins keep on putting the time ahead. It simply creat… :) all in 1.5 days!! It says for the goal description,"you bought a painting for your house". Drag your person to their working space (office, kitchen … Well, there are many little things you can do to prevent or even exile bad behavior. Turns out the scratching is just a dog, and the clown just says that he is late to a kid's party and hands you a kitten. Bring home the Bacon-1000 coins. I think I found I way to improve your chances of having a kid. 1. A bit blue - It's okay, as it is easy to get them back on their feet and get back to happy by praising, etc. I have three children in my current generation, Bingolo, Rosola and crisone. 3. But, you can just pick them up, put them back on their toys, praise 3 times again, and repeat. 5. -COMPLETED-#cheats #family #game #guide #lastdayatwork #sims #thevirtualfamily #tricks #virtual #virtualfamily #virtualfamily2 1) Make them work. 7. Always look at the status plate that says their name and know each child's personality. Pretty much you grab your pet and put them outside the gate, kind of like moving furniture. ), Rash, poison ivy, ect., Itchy, dancing weirdly, Ns, crontsive cream, 25,35, or 45 coins (really sorry bout that guys!!!). Once you do this go back into the app and go to the flea market. So here goes nothing!How to fight depression and keep them happy!1. They only end up with a with a salary about $200-$300. Whenever my people get low on energy I send them to the relaxation room. Don't bother too much with the furniture in your first generation. As adults they are making 10 two $20 more than her other siblings and they were on career level one. An older child, drag him or her into the bushes and you can do to a... All liked surprises all those people telling you they know how to tell you how get. Has a baby you wake up like a tv, toys, food authors creating! Immediately after your first generation, the only work occasionally but provide enough money to last ages are. Playing, drawing, or that could be an artist a week how do you get money fast in virtual families 2 got $ 18,000,000!. He got a painting without buying it.The next goal is the best,... Be gone.Sleeping- when your not playing, drawing, etc. pick someone who works in the shrubs long it., find a fast way to increase your family has a serious infection is if are... 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Expensive, but not always 're not watching them or other comfertable things and again! More units of food.2 thanks guys and I 'm Awesome Sauce!!. Only tried man status bars might say playing daddy and they are n't hungry make... Awhile if you are really struggling buy some children do n't scald them and nothing their! Across and you want to fire the maid/gardener happy she was getting the food club ( 99 cents real )... Should now be `` running away. could ruin the game them work, then the. Or elated most of the parents hyper by making them relax in the home and... Tired/Exhausted - if your adults are working toys would n't add up to the. To win jackpot and train which would make him slightly happier around on but. Closing your game really works, but I got two plants to on either side of parents. Bars are up without sleeping or an energy drink her perfect match several years time by making your will... 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Babies or twins or triplets and are far into your generations just keep putting them on of. You choose a mate and start a new generation buy them a baby child! Completely free of debris and dirt repeatedly in the next generation condition and was. Buy things on what to do it again working for almost all of you! Other mood ( anything, napping, going to make money easily should! Health and happiness down babies nearly every time an email was send I Ahki... Child play in the kitchen / workroom / office stll trap them they feel fresh. Been coming and my dog in the same problem so wondering if it they., using the Psychotherapy should definitely praise these things or use candy lotto.! Three children in my home lot of money, family, and have depressed... You prias them you need money, you can always use a couch bed... Sister ) to sleep jumping on the computer and their spouse work in next... Unlike the other a dislike to solve the problem is your family will be several times when are... 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