Extend confident subject knowledge and an understanding of how pupils learn. Finding the right accommodation is paramount to your university experience. Applications must be received no later than 4 weeks before the start of the course. UCAS process applications for this course. funding you could get as an international student. We cannot guarantee students who do not meet these deadlines will be able to begin their course. Our PGCE virtual taster events are a great opportunity to learn more about the course you are interested in, speak with lecturers and find out what it’s really like to be a student at Worcester from the comfort of your own home. The PGCE Secondary is the first phase of a career-long process of personal and professional development, which will equip you to become a secondary school teacher. Course structure Our full-time PGCE Secondary English course spans from the beginning of September to the beginning of July. If you're a current or former University of Southampton student, or if you're applying for a Master of Research (MRes) degree, you will not need to pay the fee. You will be taught by a teaching team whose expertise and knowledge are closely matched to the content of the modules on the course. Travel costs are at your own expense but we do encourage car sharing. Why study the PGCE English course? You'll give a short presentation, complete a short written task and have an interview with tutors. The opportunity to develop skills as a research informed practitioner. All offers are conditional on enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and health checks. The University has 40 working days to respond to your application, but you'll almost always hear back much sooner than that. Want more detail? Our one-year, full-time Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Secondary English programme will equip you with the skills, experience and knowledge you need to teach English to pupils aged between 11 and 16 – plus the option of additional experience of A-Level English teaching. You'll gain experience in a wide variety of schools including primary and special schools. PGCE English does not attract a bursary in the academic year 2020 – 2021. The health and exercise performance effects from blackcurrant, is this the beginning of the purple reign? We want you to: 1. The PGCE in Secondary English will allow you to become a qualified teacher in just one year. With rooms to suit every budget and need, from our 'Traditional Hall' at £105 per week to 'En-suite Extra' at £169 per week (2020/21 prices). The Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) is the most widely recognised UK post graduate award and is transferable. You’ll divide your time between school placements and the University as you develop the theory and techniques to teach the subject to all secondary school pupils. We use cookies to enhance your online experience. The course has a strong practical focus but we’ll also encourage you to develop your own theoretical and philosophical approach to teaching English. Find out more about University key dates. This course leads to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) for the 11–16 age range which enables you to be employed as a qualified teacher in secondary schools in England and Wales. Secondary school classroom experience may strengthen your application. Professional Studies sessions in school and at University. Watch the tutor model how to teach aspects of the curriculum and have the opportunity to reflect on this in light of your own practice and experiences. Directed studies, case studies and problem solving tasks; development of practice-based competence and skills of critical reflection through guided individual mentoring during placements. This Secondary English with Media course leads to Qualified Teacher Status and the master's level PGCE qualification. If you get through to the next stage of the process we'll invite you to an interview. Attraction - What's love got to do with it? School experience is desirable, but not essential prior to an interview. Some courses are also eligible for a tax-free bursary or scholarship depending on your subject, degree classification or highest academic qualification. Following application through UCAS you'll hear back by email from the University. PGCE course applications are processed through UCAS. The PGCE in Secondary Education is specifically designed to ensure that those who are successful will be recommended for the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) - the professional award required by all those who wish to teach in a maintained school. If you choose to continue your studies, the credits you build up from your master’s-level modules can be put towards a future master’s degree qualification. Every course has day-to-day costs for essential books, trips, stationery, printing and photocopying. We're here to help you every step of the way. You’ll build on your existing knowledge of English language and literature and learn the most effective methods for helping young people to: Your training will also teach you essential skills such as: You'll spend at least of 120 days in placement schools in the Southampton area, where you’ll observe lessons and work with small groups of pupils before gradually being introduced to whole-class teaching. Physical activity and mental health: exploring bipolar disorder, A New Trend in Publishing: The Growth of Irish Women Writers Now, Digital Immortality and Artificial Intelligence. Be well-supported by both University and school tutors, and to support and be supported by your fellow students in the development of subject knowledge and classroom expertise 4. The most up-to-date information will be available to you once you have accepted a place and registered for the course. The course consists of 4 compulsory modules. School experience in a range of settings. At interview we will discuss relevant prior school experience or opportunities applicants have had to work with school aged children. It will equip you to become an outstanding secondary school teacher. NB English is offered through both Core and School Direct routes. Become a reflective self-evaluating practitioner. Be supported and challenged by our blend of school-based Mentors and Personal Academic Tutors. You’ll study from September to June, with breaks at Christmas and Easter. With this qualification you’ll be able to work in state-maintained and special schools in England and Wales. A contribution towards travel to school placement may be available to core students not receiving a bursary. When faced with challenges I was able to persevere because I knew that they had confidence in me and they equipped me with the skills, advice and knowledge I needed to succeed. We place an emphasis on experiential learning, where trainees undertake a wide range of activities then get the opportunity to plan how to deliver this in the classroom. If there are insufficient numbers of students interested in an optional module, this might not be offered, but we will advise you as soon as possible and help you choose an alternative. What will I study? It is accepted, across the UK and internationally, as an assurance that the candidate has achieved the high standard expected for entry to the teaching profession. This Secondary PGCE programme is intended for those who wish to be an English subject specialist across the 11-16 age range. The course is designed to emphasise practical engagement with the curriculum whilst developing your understanding of the theories which underpin the best models of practice. Reflect critically on the English/Media curriculum and be inspired by the dynamic nature of your subject 2. This afforded her the opportunity of working in a wide array of secondary schools, special schools and primary schools. This secondary English teaching degree is based around four modules which are core to all trainees. What to expect at our undergraduate open days, What to expect at our postgraduate events, improve their vocabulary and use of grammar, GCSEs (minimum grade 4/C) in English language and maths, study abroad and summer school opportunities. The programme specification sets out the learning outcomes of this course and details how the course is taught and assessed. Understand equality and develop inclusive teaching strategies. The PGCE Secondary is a course in Initial Teacher Training which is accredited by the DfE, the successful completion of which will accord you Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). We recommend you apply at least 6 weeks before the start of the course to ensure you're able to meet our requirements and apply for a visa in time. Explore our campuses and talk to current students, A vibrant, cathedral city in the heart of the English countryside, The latest news from all areas of the University, Our research makes a positive contribution throughout society, We offer PhD, MPhil, MRes and Professional Doctorate programmes, ASP._Page_site_elements_razor_entry_records_course_record_cshtml, University of Worcester, Henwick Grove, WR2 6AJ, University of Worcester International College, Research and Knowledge Exchange Directorate, Information for parents (multiple languages), Request or download a University Prospectus, New financial support for healthcare students, The University of Worcester on social media, Undergraduate Allied Health and Community courses, Postgraduate Allied Health and Community courses, Allied Health and Community staff profiles, Undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery courses, Postgraduate Nursing and Midwifery courses, Undergraduate Science and the Environment courses, Postgraduate Science and the Environment courses, Science and the Environment staff profiles, science and the environment alumni stories, Environmental Management and Sustainability fieldwork, Undergraduate Sport and Exercise Science courses, Postgraduate Sport and Exercise Science courses, Sport and Exercise Science staff profiles, Performance sport and sports scholarships, "There's No Place Like Home! She has twenty years of working in a range of secondary schools in a variety of roles. Want to know why so many students love living and studying in Worcester? You must supply all supporting documentation at least 2 weeks before starting your course. After a teaching career spanning 36 years, Anita joined the PGCE Secondary Team at the University of Worcester as an Assistant Lecturer in 2017. Once you've registered with UCAS, you'll be invited to apply to several courses by including their course code in your application. The PGCE Secondary is a course in Initial Teacher Training which is accredited by the DfE, the successful completion of which will accord you Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). After a teaching career spanning 36 years, Anita joined the PGCE Secondary Team at the University of Worcester as an Assistant Lecturer in 2017. We have high employment rates from our PGCE Secondary courses, with many trainees going on to work in our partnership schools. You’ll have the support of a school-based mentor during your practice placements. Our courses are informed by research and current developments in the discipline and feedback from students, external examiners and employers. A great opportunity for you to work collaboratively with fellow trainee history teachers from a range of diverse backgrounds. The Postgraduate Diploma in Education (English) leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and offers 120 credits towards our MA Teaching Studies. The decision will be uploaded to UCAS within 5 working days of the interview date. You will learn about adolescent’s development through the Secondary sector and be supported to become an excellent teacher. Subject-specific requirements: You will need: a strong knowledge and understanding of English literature and language, and a sound awareness of how the subject is currently taught within Secondary state schools; This Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Secondary English course leads to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), qualifying you to teach the 11-18 age group in secondary schools in England and Wales. Explore: A variety of additional scholarships, grants and bursaries may be available to help you fund your master’s study, both from the University and from other organisations. English (PGCE) starting September 2021 for 1 year. We have over 1,000 rooms across our range of student halls. Well-qualified English teachers are in high demand across the UK. Nothing is more valuable than supportive university tutors and school mentors. When you apply, they'll give you details of any supporting information or documents you'll need to submit. You’ll learn the principles of effective English teaching and how to … The cost is typically between £25 to £50 for which you benefit from their support, guidance and resources. Assessments that move from highly structured to more open briefs as you develop your professional skills. Some particular areas of interest are; the use of drama in the English classroom and the explicit teaching of speaking and listening. The rest of your time will be spent at the University, where you’ll prepare you for your placements, evaluate your school-based work, and develop subject-specific skills and good practice. "I really enjoyed my PGCE year at Worcester; it gave me a very supportive start to my teaching career. Contact the Admissions Office for advice by email: AdmissionsB@worc.ac.uk. Talk to book reviewers of young adult fiction and get up to date guidance on reading resources, Explore your vision of purposeful and creative teaching of English with expert guidance, Enjoy collaborative learning with peers as you develop your own practice, Develop your own understanding of how to teach English effectively to 11-18 year-olds, Develop the skills to be a self-reflective classroom practitioner, Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to have a successful career in teaching. Participate in focused taught sessions, suggested reading and activities to undertake with peers in sessions. The English course is for people wishing to train as secondary teachers of English 11-18 who have a strong interest in learning to teach all aspects of the subject including literature, language, literacy, media and drama. The standard tuition fee for full-time UK students registering in the academic year 2021/22 will be £9,250 per year. You’ll divide your time between the University and 2 placement schools. Our course has recently been inspected by Ofsted which resulted in an “Outstanding” grading for all aspects of our provision. The English PGCE introduces students to the broad scope of English as a curriculum subject, including media and drama, across the secondary age range. Learn more about how to apply with our postgraduate application guide. Our specialist programme, which offers high quality training and support, will prepare you to teach in the 11-18 age range and is run in close partnership with schools. You’ll need to pass the 3 master’s-level modules to gain your PGCE award. This qualification is awarded by the University of Southampton. Subjects offered: English, mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, design technology (food), French, geography, UCAS Teacher Training is the central organisation through which applications are processed for entry onto PGCE courses. One of Anita’s roles in school was mentoring English PGCE trainees; an opportunity to nurture and share good practice which she always embraced and one which she is delighted to continue developing as a PGCE English tutor at the University. For more details, please visit our course fees page. Study courses rated as 'outstanding' by Ofsted (Ofsted Report, 2019). You'll receive an email from the admissions tutor if we'd like to talk to you before offering you a place. PGCE Secondary (English) will train you to teach secondary English in the UK across the 11-16 or 11-18 age range, including the National Curriculum, GCSE and A-level. A PGCE personal statement is written as part of the application process for teacher training and gives candidates an opportunity to showcase their skills and attributes.. PGCE candidates will only write one personal statement, which is used to apply for all of their preferred choices. To find out more, please read our Cookies Notice and Privacy Notice. Build up or refresh your existing knowledge with a subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) programme before the course. University-led workshops, lectures, seminars, fieldwork and guest lectures. PGCE Secondary with English UCAS code: 2BT6 'A word after a word after a word is power' - Margaret Atwood Our Secondary English PGCE is run by a team of committed, passionate and experienced staff who offer a diverse range of expertise and a genuine conviction that our approach to teacher education is the best way to develop outstanding teachers. Our Open Days are the perfect way to find out. Explore a range of learning and teaching styles, and classroom organisation. My experience working as Lead English teacher, Head of English and as Whole School Literacy coordinator afforded me the opportunity to liaise closely with schools across the region and observe some of the best practice in the profession. Interviews will take place online if they are not possible in person. This means you'll be able to work as an English tutor in state-maintained and special schools in England and Wales. NB Interviews will continue throughout 2020 and be conducted online. Explore a range of practices and wider issues of education. SUSP has developed an innovative Secondary English PGCE programme that is designed to provide new entrants to the teaching profession with confidence in their subject knowledge and in their understanding of how to teach it. Applicants will be contacted directly with more details. The standard tuition fee for full-time international students registering in the academic year 2021/22 will be £14,100 per year. Enter your details below and we will keep you up to date with useful information about studying at the University of Worcester. Her experience in secondary education began as an NQT in English and ended as a Head of Department, a position she … The learning activities for this course include the following: We'll assign you a personal academic tutor, and you'll have access to a senior tutor. We’ll ask you to pay a £50 application assessment fee if you’re applying for any postgraduate taught course that starts in or after September 2021. She has worked with English teachers on improving teaching, learning and rates of pupil progress. Pre-ITT Subject Knowledge Enhancement - Mathematics, Pre-ITT Subject Knowledge Enhancement - Science. You'll be able to take advantage of: Check fees for other versions of this course. The course also offers enrichment opportunities to teach the 16–18 age phase. Her areas of interest include literacy and learning, and special educational needs. Enrich your subject knowledge drawing on the expertise of tutors with national profiles in partnership with school mentors with excellent current practice in your specialist area. Attend two lectures at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in Stratford-Upon-Avon (Cost: £20) and free entry to Shakespeare’s Birthplace. We recognise the importance of being able to teach children to think, create and explore the world through language and literature. Observe the teaching of English in a SEND setting and an EAL department. Read Kate Freeth's staff profile to find out more about her work. We'll encourage you to think in a new ways and to develop expertise in teaching directly from the real world. If you have lived, studied or worked overseas for three months or more in the last five years a Certificate of Good Conduct from the country of residence will be required. Why Secondary English PGCE with QTS? Grow through at least 120 days of placement in our strong school network across the counties. Enjoy extensive periods of classroom experience supported by outstanding tutors and mentors. Find out if you’re exempt on our terms and conditions page. The Secondary English PGCE pathway at UWTSD is an exciting and innovative programme, fully committed to preparing student teachers to be highly effective in supporting young people in the development of essential language and communication skills as well as a love of great literature. Participation in high level professional discussion, peer presentations and debate. It also includes drama, media and information and communication technology. When you apply, you'll be taken to the UCAS website where you'll need to register an account with UCAS to submit an application. It is at this point that we would discuss with a candidate whether additional school experience would support an individual in their decision that teaching is right for them. For comprehensive details on the aims and intended learning outcomes of the course, and the means by which these are achieved through learning, teaching and assessment, please download the latest programme specification document. Tel: +44(0)23 8059 5000. Louise was appointed as a Senior Lecturer in Secondary English in September 2013. We treat and select everyone in line with our Equality and Diversity Statement. Before that she worked part time as an AST (Advanced Skills Teacher) for Worcestershire as well as continuing her role as an English teacher at Pershore High School. Part of this course also extends your studies and experience to cover preparation for post-16 teaching. I am now hugely excited to be joining the English PGCE team at the University. Your course leader is Kate Freeth, Director of Initial Teacher Education within Southampton Education School, and an experienced secondary school teacher. Find out about funding you could get as an international student. See all the modules in the course. Who's Afraid of the Workplace Psychopath? Enjoy great employment prospects; our support takes you from trainee to NQT and onwards. Develop an understanding of your professional role within a departmen… The partnership works with input and support from the London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Newham, Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Waltham Forest and Redbridge. She has worked at Head of Department level and more recently spent ten years working as an English Adviser in a local authority. In addition we also offer an Aspiring Leaders programme. About the course. I became an English teacher straight from University and have enjoyed 22 years working in a variety of roles across a range of schools in Gloucestershire and Worcestershire. Experience at least 2 contrasting schools. Receive academic lectures on one Shakespeare play and staging craft at Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. This is a full-time course. Accommodation and living costs, such as travel and food, are not included in your tuition fees. The English PGCE introduces students to the broad scope of English as a curriculum subject, including media and drama, across the secondary age range. We assess 3 of them at master’s level, 1 at undergraduate level. ": perspectives on living with Domestic Violence and Abuse. Find out if you’re exempt on our. One-to-one academic and personal tutorial support including access to our. The Secondary PGCE course at the University of East London was designed in 2001 in conjunction with the local authorities to address the secondary education teacher shortage in east London. The BGU Secondary English PGCE is run by tutors who relish the opportunity to work with the next generation of English teachers. Your tuition fee covers the full cost of tuition and any exams. The course is vibrant and participatory and includes taught seminars, active workshops and … our partnership in the world’s number 1 business incubator. Gunpowder, Treason and Plot: From Guy Fawkes to the English Civil War, Worcestershire's Key Figure among the First British Settlers in USA, Impeachment: The American Phenomenon's English origins, Healthy eating in difficult circumstances, 5 Must-See South Korean Movies after Parasite, Teaching creatively - it all starts with a catapult, Men, Muscle, and Health: The Quest for the Perfect Body, Involving individuals with lived experience in research: A perspective from the Bipolar Disorder Research Network. The York PGCE is designed to ensure that your study at the University and your practical experience in schools work together to help you develop the theoretical knowledge and practical skills you need to be a successful teacher. Understand and apply theory and research on how children learn and develop. Travel costs for placements vary depending on the location of schools and your mode of transport, sometimes these may be reclaimed depending on your individual circumstances. Download a copy of our prospectus or order a printed copy to be delivered to your door. If you're a current or former University of Southampton student, or if you're applying for a Master of Research (MRes) degree, you will not need to pay the fee. Completion leads to a postgraduate qualification and recommendation for qualified teacher status (QTS). This Secondary English with Drama course will train you to teach 11 to 16-year-olds and, by arrangement, can also give you additional experience in the post-16 age group. It is run collaboratively with the English and Media Centre (EMC), an award-winning educational charity. Attend an ‘A’ level English Sixth Form Conference and take part in workshops with sixth formers from Partnership schools. ", Victoria Honeybourne, PGCE Secondary graduate, Qualifications not listed? It may be possible to gain experience of teaching post 16 during your PGCE and the qualification does not preclude you from teaching post 16 once employed. Find the equivalent international qualifications for your country. Gain expertise through one of our unique Enhancement Activities: PSHE and Citizenship, Developing a Second Subject, English as an Additional Language, Teenage Mental Health, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or Technology Enhanced Learning. Please contact us if you're not sure you have the right experience or qualifications to get onto this course. This Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) course will prepare you to teach young people aged 11 to 16 within the UK’s National Curriculum for English framework (Key Stages 3 and 4). This is an extra one-off charge which is separate to your tuition fees. Our halls of residence are home to friendly student communities, making them great places to live and study. This programme is rated 'outstanding' by the government (OFSTED) Gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and 60 Master’s degree credits Further information and guidance associated with additional costs are available from the Home Office. There will also be opportunities to learn about teaching students aged 16 to 19. For full details visit our accommodation page. Our Careers and Employability Service will support you throughout your time as a student and for up to 5 years after graduation. Experience space and time to work collaboratively with peers to explore aspects of teaching English language and literature. Showing you how to plan and deliver lessons outside the classroom. We're a top 20 UK university for employability (QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2020). Become an outstanding secondary school English teacher with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). 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