The fry were fed with newly-hatched baby brine shrimp and powdered fry food. They are found in the slow moving waters of several local rivers. When the young fishes have reached the length of 3-4 cm (1,5") they often dye of indigestion. If you ever see them sold as “reds”, they are most likely maculipinnis. – 5 Helpful Tips For a Long and Happy Life. Central American cichlids are usually riverine. A black blotch may also be present halfway back on the body just below the lateral line. Almost all of their colors were gone. Other cichlids found with Herichthys bocourti include Thorichthys aureus, Vieja maculicauda, Archocentrus spilurus, "Cichlasoma" salvini, Amphilophus robertsoni, and Parachromis managuense. They are usually found in groups, over sandy substrates where there is much driftwood and leaf litter for cover; the water clarity varies throughout its range, and in many places it is often a little murky and so vegetation is minimal. Turn the water temperature up to at least 27 degrees C before you exchange as much as 80-85% of the water for 24 degrees C water. The “Blue aureum” matures into an incredibly colored fish. The male will defend the territory and after 3 days the fry should hatch out. You may also be able to see a black blotch below the lateral line halfway back on the body. More food than normal can also serve as a trigger. Register for free and ask your question in our Aquarium forum ! Find Mexican Gold Cichlid Thorichthys Aureus Female stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. incorrect identification of ornamental fish (Holly et al. Atromaculatus Cichlid (Mesoheros atromaculatus) $ 14.99 – $ 39.99. Both color forms exhibit the trademark of the Thorichthys genus, a black spot on the operculum, and grow extremely long filaments from the tips of their caudal fins. Females will have a prominent dark spot in their dorsal fin, while males will not. The water is usually hard and alkaline. 60% water changes were performed weekly. Begging is not the same thing as being hungry. The fish grew quickly on this diet and I was soon able to tell males from females. When a Thorichthys aureum gets stressed or agitated, it can display a black horizontal line from the operculum to the base of the caudal fin. 10/16/17 Hello, crew. Extreme care should be taken when introducing the female to the male, the males have been known to kill females with their aggression so be ready to separate them if signs of this happening occurs. Commonly called the “Blue aureum” or “Gold aureum”, this fish shares many physical characteristics with it’s more commonly available relative, Thorichthys meeki, the Firemouth. Frustration was setting in. Under aquarium conditions they are very undemanding and readily take all the usual foods, including flake, algae wafers, wet-frozen bloodworms, and small live foods like daphnia and brine shrimp. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. These fish like a temperature from 21-27°C(70-80°F). Again I saw the females ovipositor, but still nothing happened. Carry out a 50% water change on a weekly basis. The caudal fin filaments are very long. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The fish can also become more territorial than before, and the dominant couple will often chase away any other Thorichthys aureum from their part of the aquarium. The tank was kept at 78F, and was decorated with large chunk rock, slate, and a few large plastic plants. Territorial during spawning. Type locality is Lake Izabal, eastern Guatemala and this specieshas since been recorded from various Atlantic drainages of both Guatemala and neighbouring Belize. Both the male and the female will visit the spawning slate and clean it vigorously prior to spawning. If something is listed as sold out and you are interested in getting some please sign up to be notified once it goes back in stock! $25.00 shipping. Home. Blue and gold are the two main morphs. They will require aquariums not as large as their geographic congeners, 200 liters and 1.20 meters long tanks being most of the times good enough for a group of them, choose always larger surface over higher tanks. Both parents will show parental care and guard the fry from any danger, often rounding them up in their mouths to group to a safer spot. The parents will dig a pit in the substrate and move the fry from the spawning site to it, in order to keep them more protected. Be strict when feeding your Thorichthys aureum. Thorichthys aureus, Amphilophus robertsoni, Archocentrus spilurus, Vieja maculicauda, and Chuco microphthalmus are other native cichlids often found in sympathy. I followed my breeding preparations just as before, but this time I performed the water change first thing in the morning while the tank lights were off. If there are 10 angelfish in a 75g, a lone Thorichthys aureum is likely going to have serious trouble. Could Be Confused With: While similar to Thorichthys ellioti (Golden Firemouth) but should not be confused due to Compared to cichlids such as those from the Amphilophus and Nandopsis genera, Thorichthys aureum is not a very aggressive species in captivity. The pH runs about 7.5-8. Social behavior: Congregates loosely in groups as juveniles. - Synspilum Cichlid (Paratheraps vieja) for Sale: Size, Tank, Care, Types, Breeding - Tetra BloodParrot floating fish food with FREE Shipping - Thorichthys aureum for sale with FREE One-day Shipping Thorichthys aureus - Top 6 Jaguar Cichlid with Oscar Video Roundup - TRUE Parrot Cichlid Hoplarchus psittacus A Rare South American Cichlid These factors can then be altered to induce breeding. A lot of fish from this species have died of bloat caused by over-feeding. Out Of Stock. Details. Just like all the other members of the Thorichthys genus, Thorichthys aureum displays a distinct black spot on the operculum. The eggs will be laid on a flat stone or in an upturned plant pot and the female will tend the eggs. See more ideas about south american cichlids, cichlids, aquarium fish. Four hours later I returned to find both fishes looking ashy gray with charcoal stripes. Jul 26, 2020 - Explore Victor's board "South American Cichlids" on Pinterest. They are an amazing species that doesn’t get much attention. The fish is somewhat deep-bodied with bright blue spangling on the body. Both the male and the female can be kept in the aquarium since they are both devoted parents. I left the first batch in the main tank with the parents with the hope of cementing the pair bond and added powdered fry food three times a day. Thorichthys aureum is a Central American cichlid commonly referred to as Blue aureum, Green aureum or Gold aureum. I hope this article has convinced you to consider Thorichthys aureum for your next Central American aquarium. You know that your fish is starting to become interested in breeding when a female starts following a male fish around in the aquarium. This time I siphoned about 150 fry out to their own 30 gallon tank which was filtered by an air-driven sponge and full of Java moss. It also sports the blue streaks in the fins, as well as the red border on the dorsal fin. For a breeding couple, a 30 gallon aquarium will be large enough if you include a lot of suitable hiding spots. by using chunk rocks and caves. Be careful not to overfeed, as they are prone to bloating. When content, the fish exhibit wide vertical dark barring instead. Get the best deals on Live Aquarium Cichlid Fish when you shop the largest online selection at You can for instance give it a combination of cichlid pellets and frozen worms. Its range extends from near the confluence of the Rio Richuelo and Rio Motagua in Guatemala and in various tributaries of the Motagua system in Honduras on the Atlantic slope. The general recommendations for keeping Thorichthys aureum is a water temperature of 25-26 degrees C, a pH around 7.5-7.8 and water hardiness within the dH 2-15 range. Our knowledgeable staff usually responds to any question within 24 hours, Blue Eyed Cichlid - Archocentrus spilurum. This complete guide on Betta fish illnesses and diseases from A-Z will help you pinpoint what is wrong with your Betta and how to treat it. Care. This article will be providing a detailed beginners guide on how to setup a tank for your Betta fish. Details. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. My aureum were purchased as a group of four 1″ juveniles in November of 2001. After approximately ten months, my largest male was 5″ and my largest female was 4″. There are at least two different color variations of Thorichthys aureum, Blue/Green and Gold. Balancing between sufficient amounts of food and over-feeding can be tricky. The tank was filtered with two HOB power filters and a fluidized bed. Some supplemental vegetable matter may also be beneficial. The Blue aureum (also known as the Green aureum due to its turquoise color) is truly an eye-catching fish. Thorichthys cichlids can have a temperament as fiery as their name. Quality flakes, pellets, and frozen food such as mysis, bloodworms, and glassworms were all readily eaten, though the fish did show a preference for food that sank. Top picture shows mature fish, bottom picture shows sample of what you will be receiving.Thorichthys aureus Thorichthys aureum if found along the Central American Atlantic coast, from Golden Creek in Belize to the Montagua River in Honduras. After observing the fish for a few months, it became easier to see how the fish were doing by watching their color patterns. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Thorichthys aureus | Cichlid Room Companion Thorichthys aureus species profile, with information about taxonomy, distribution, natural history, aquarium keeping and conservation; including pictures, videos and an extensive bibliography With a knockout combination of beautiful colors, manageable size, even temperament, and advanced behavior, they truly are one of my favorite fish. Females will also have a dark spot on the dorsal fin, which makes it easy to sex adult specimens. Watch. You may go to any sold out listing and click on the “email me when available” button to sign up to be notified the instant we are able to put something back in … Its favorite habitat is lower and middle section rivers, but you can also find it in warm lakes and lagoons. Email: JEFF RAPPS IS TANGLED UP IN CICHLIDS PO BOX 181 PHILLIPSBURG, NJ O8865 PHONE: (908) 387-9858 FAX: (908) 387-9859 Care on Thorichthys helleri? With the onset of breeding, all colors intensify. These fish are a tad over 1 in length. Breeding is rather easy in the first instance. ... parental care. If there are any other adult fish in the aquarium, the parents will chase them away from the pit to avoid predation. Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus) $ 8.99 – $ 9.99. Everything You Need to Know About Betta Fish. Assuming they had begun to pair up, I fed them earthworms for 5 days. The Red Flash Cichlid (Thorichthys aureus) is similar in appearance to the more common Firemouth Cichlid (T. meeki) but is less common. Thorichthys aureum for sale with FREE One-day Shipping. I am glad you are keeping this updated w/ photos. A large water change with a subsequent drop in water temperature is known to trigger spawning in Thorichthys aureum and should therefore be carried out. Thorichthys aureum will appreciate having a spawning slate in the aquarium, and providing them with one is therefore a good idea if you want them to breed. My persistence had been rewarded. This article has a list of some of our favorite Betta fish toys. The eggs will hatch within a few days, but is can take up to 6 days before the fry is free swimming. The large male would chase the smaller male aureum, but the larger female would chase both the smaller male and the smaller female. Other Species In Genus: Thorichthys afllnis, Thorichthys aureus, Thorichthys callolepis, Thorichthys ellioti, Thorichthys helleri, Thorichthys maculipinnis, Thorichthys pasionis, Thorichthys socolofi and Thorichthys sp Coatzacoalcos. When the fish feels more at ease, it will instead show broad vertical barring. As these fish like to sift the substrate in search of food items, it is essential that they are maint… For a breeding couple, a 30 gallon aquarium will be large enough if you include a lot of suitable hiding spots. Directly after spawning, the exhausted couple will normally loose their vibrant breeding colors and look really drab for a while. Thorichthys aureum will accept almost any type of food, from live food to pellets. . Though I eagerly checked the tank each day I came home from work, nothing happened and the females ovipositor had retracted. Out Of Stock. Their numbers dropped and stabilized at about 100 fish. These fish are not hard to feed. They grew quickly on this diet and were swapped to strictly prepared foods by 4 weeks of age. Tangled Up in Cichlids Photo Gallery. A variety of high-quality dry, frozen, and live meaty foods is necessary for optimal health and coloration. Update on my large male firemouth cichlid, who is the boss of my peacock and hap tank. I was trying to simulate the effects of a large rainfall, and was hoping to stimulate the spawning by adding a little temperature to the water. These were spotted at Wharf Aquatics in Nottinghamshire. Blue Aureum “Thorichthys aureum”, is a very colorful, peaceful and showy fish and easy to care for cichlid. 5 watching. Commonly called the “Blue aureum” or “Gold aureum”, this fish shares many physical characteristics with it’s more commonly available relative, Thorichthys meeki, the Firemouth. Since then, a few have grown to over 3″ in length and it is only a matter of time before they begin to pair off. Having a healthy plant in your tank will help to improve the water quality by filtering out waste and removing some of the CO2 that’s produced by your fish. Required fields are marked *. Hi this guy was sold to me about a year ago as a thorichthys aureus by maidenhead aquatics, he was about 1" i paid £6 for him, i gave him to a friend about 6 months ago and today he give him back, hes in my 75g with about 7 baby severums i'm growing out, 2 adult angels, festivum and a few barbs and corys, he is about 5" and looks to be close to fully grown. Out Of Stock. The pH and the hardness of the water are not critical, as long as the water parameters do not differ highly from those found in their natural habitat, water should be free of ammonia and nitrite. As they are substrate-sifters in the wild, this was not surprising. If you want to keep a small group of Thorichthys aureum, housing them in at least 40-55 gallons of water is recommended. Don’t have a bored Betta. Ideally feed them at least 3-4 times a day instead of just once or twice. It must be noted that there are various known examples of. The fish regularly spawned for me at 5 week intervals, and I stopped siphoning when I had no more room for the fry. The fry grew well on the powdered food but within two weeks the parents had lost control of their small school and their numbers dwindled as the other tankmates slowly ate them all. On the Atlantic slope of Central America from Mexico south to Honduras you can find one of my favorite Central American cichlids – Thorichthys aureum. Copyright © 2021 All Rights Reserved | NippyFish | Privacy is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Stunning fish when mature. The “Gold aureum”, while not as flashy in my opinion, is understated in its elegance with a golden coloring bordering steel blue scales. Complete Guide to Betta Fish Diseases and Treatment, The 4 Most Common Signs of Illness in Betta Fish, Betta Fish Tank Setup – A Detailed Guide For Beginners, Setup an Aquatic Plant Environment For Your Betta. Once you have managed to get a Thorichthys aureum couple to spawn for the first time, they will often continue to spawn regularly. Water temperaturure should be a special concern, T. maculipinnisis found in water that rang… Intermedia Peacock Bass (Cichla intermedia) – Rio Caqueta Locale Watch. A 29 gallon tank could house a pair if enough cover is provided for the female and water changes are done regularly. Some have a preference for dawn or dusk. Substrate was gray calcite, which was useful in keeping my neutral, soft tap water buffered and my pH at 7.8. $19.99. Misnomers. The centrarchus were never harassed. Looking closer, I saw a plaque of about 200 eggs on the piece of slate! During the breeding period, the coloration of Thorichthys aureum will become even more brilliant than normally. Thorichthys helleri meeki Brind, 1918; Cichlasoma meeki (Brind, 1918); Herichthys meeki (Brind, 1918); Cichlasoma hyorhynchumHubbs, 1935 Considering that these fish come from both areas, care is almost the same except for temperature on some. I left the tank lights off and the room lights on with the hopes of simulating dawn as best I could. Compared to cichlids such as those from the Amphilophus and Nandopsis genera, Thorichthys aureum is not a very aggressive species in captivity. They were housed in a 75 gallon tank with seven juvenile Archocentrus centrarchus of a similar size. On the sixth day I could just see the ovipositor of the female begin to extend. Just like the Blue aureum, the Golden aureum has blue streaked fins, red edging of the dorsal fin and elongated caudal fin filaments. This article focuses on the 4 most common signs of illness in Betta fish. The fry should be free swimming a few days later and at this stage can be fed on newly hatched brine shrimp or crushed flake. The general recommendations for keeping Thorichthys aureumis a water temperature of 25-26 degrees C, a pH around 7.5-7.8 and wat… The parents moved them to pits that they had dug in the substrate, and did their best at keeping the other aquarium inhabitants at bay. Thorichthys aureum can reach a size of 18 cm, and this naturally makes its vibrant coloration very attention-grabbing compared to tiny cichlids. Juanmi says: Thorichthys maintenance 1; Thorichthys are not very aggressive but very beautiful cichlids than can be easily kept in the home aquarium. The Gold aureum is less flamboyant and more stylish with steel blue scales and a golden coloration. $19.99 shipping. There are some lakes found there as well. Intense turquoise borders bronze scales, blue streaks adorn the fins, and the dorsal fin is edged in bright red. The female fattened up nicely, and the pair began to take turns cleaning a large piece of horizontal slate. Price: Around £14 a pair. Give your fish earthworms or similar for at least one week and wait for them to fatten up. Didn't find the info you were looking for? The eggs were guarded by both parents, hatched on day three, and the fry became free-swimming five days later. Filed Under: Other fish Tagged With: Thorichthys aureum, Your email address will not be published. All require much the same care. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Both parents care for the fry. The fish spawned again five weeks later. With an adult size of 6″-7″, these fish make ideal specimens for a Central American tank. Details. Flaring their gills in typical Thorichthys fashion, there was far more bluffing going on than actual fighting. Thorichthys aureus 1910 Siggelkow Germany. How Much Do Betta Fish Cost to Buy and Care For? The body sports bronzed scales and intense shades of turquoise, the fins are decorated with bright blue streaks, and the dorsal fin has a strong red edging. This fish does not get large, up to 5”. This time I dropped the temperature of the replacement water to 76F and ratcheted up the heater setting to 81F. Different color variations are found in different regions, including gold and blue variants. Lemon Jake Peacock Aulonocara Cichlid, Guaranteed. Thorichthys meeki are relatively easy to keep. Young Thorichthys aureum fry can be fed crushed fry food and newly hatched brine shrimp. The female began to follow the male around the tank, and the two slightly smaller aureum were banished to the other half of the aquarium. Provide your fish with great hiding spots in the aquarium, e.g. Since wild Thorichthys aureum fish are substrate filters, they prefer food that sinks to bottom of the aquarium. The two common names for this fish point to the two color variations found – blue and gold. There are some decent UK-bred affinis around, as well as a few aureus and loads of ellioti. Availability: Very rare in the trade in general and an extremely rare find in the UK. CARE GUIDELINES: Diet: Mostly carnivorous. According to Fishbase at least, the only Thorichthys species in Guatemala are Thorichthys affinis, Thorichthys aureus, Thorichthys meeki, and Thorichthys pasionis.> I've read conflicting information about them. The eggs are laid and fertilized on a flat stone. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. Eventually I traded the two pairs away and concentrated on raising the fry that I did have. Cynotilapia afra (White Top afra), Gallireya, Mbuna, African Cichlid GUARANTEED ... 4 Live Kribensis Dwarf African Cichlid Easy Care Community Freshwater Fish. It is a close relative of the popular Firemouth cichlid (Thorichthys meeki) and they share plenty of physical characteristics. 3-4 cm ( 1,5 '' ) they often dye of indigestion on.. Comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page knowledgeable staff usually responds any! Creek in Belize to the Montagua River in Honduras continue to spawn the! Fish is somewhat deep-bodied with bright blue spangling on the tank spawn for the first time, they often... Able to see a black blotch below the lateral line halfway back on sixth... After observing the fish regularly spawned for me at 5 week intervals, and stopped! Any type of food, from live food to pellets groups as juveniles the and... 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